Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush is an endless runner in which you control the cartoon character Strawberry Shortcake, your goal is to collect as many berries as possible in order to bake the best cakes in the world.
The control system on Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush is very traditional: slide to either side in order to move Strawberry Shortcake in either direction, slide up to jump and slide down to roll through the ground. With these controls you'll have to try to dodge all obstacles as you collect as many berries and coins a you can. Coins can also be used to continue the match in case you run into an obstacle.
Once you finish a race on Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush you can move on to the kitchen here you can cook all sorts of cupcakes and cakes using the berries you collected. After decorating your cakes you can sell them to get more money. Money and cakes!
Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush is a fun, traditional endless runner that comes with really nice graphics and characters which prove especially appealing to children. The game also comes with a good amount of content and has a very well-adjusted difficulty curve.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 or higher required
Frequent questions
Is Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush still available?
Yes, Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush is still available on Uptodown. From here, you can download the latest version of this game where you beat levels together with the protagonists of this animated series.
What's the file size of the Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush APK?
The Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush APK for Android is 48 MB. This light file size means you can install the game on any mid-range or low-end smartphone, even if you don't have much free storage space.
How can I get unlimited coins on Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush?
Getting unlimited coins on Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush is only possible by beating levels in the game. By helping characters from Strawberry Shortcake overcome challenges in this endless runner, you'll get almost unlimited money.
Is Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush free?
Yes, Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Rush is free for Android. Just by downloading the game's APK, you can participate in tons of exciting challenges where you dodge obstacles and try to collect as many coins as you can.
Please let this game exist.
Very good
Very funny and interesting
Ferry nice